Sunday Night Ritual–Round 13

Round 13 has brought another change to my regimen, the introduction of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). With this change comes the need to once again pack my own capsules, since I need to start with 12.5mg of ALA per dose, yet the capsules come in 25mg. It’s been a while since I recorded my preparation times, so here are the times for round 9:

Start Time End Time Length
Supplements 11:07 PM 11:17 PM 10 min
DMSA 11:06 PM 11:07 PM 1 min
Total: 11 min

Since I no longer needed to split DMSA capsules the time dropped from 11-minutes to one. This, of course changed when I started splitting ALA capsules. Here are tonight’s numbers:

Start Time End Time Length
Supplements 10:47 PM 10:58 PM 11 min
ALA / DMSA 10:59 PM 11:40 PM 41 min
Total: 52 min

Yes, you read that correctly, it took me 41-minutes to pack my ALA/DMSA capsules. This is in large part to having to do math for each capsule weight, leading to an insane amount of time in between each two capsules being filled. I plan on creating a matrix (much like I have done for DMSA) to alleviate this slowdown and get it back (hopefully) to where I once was.