Taking an Unexpected Nine-Dose Break
It appears my body is in need of deep sleep. Really deep sleep. The kind that drops you in a state of unconnectedness, where the outside world is distant and silent. Explosive thunderstorms, howling winds, and even a snoring dog are unable to wake you from this slumber. From what I now know, alarms are also exempt from the list of waking sounds.
I have written in the past of how I have missed a dose (usually over halfway through), forcing me to retire the round earlier than expected. This happened again in round 25, but with a twist: I managed to only get nine-doses in before failing. This allowed me to take a nine-dose break (~27-hours) and pick up where I left off. Since I did take a break, I counted the second part as a new dose (round 26), since it really was.
I wonder if I am still in the process of becoming comfortable with the current strengths of ALA and DMSA I am taking. Earlier, I predicted that the upcoming round would be the next increase for ALA strength, but I am reconsidering that. Maybe the deep sleep is a way for my body to let me know it is really tired from the round it is on. I have no way of knowing the true answer to this, but I feel that pushing out the strength increase by one more round can’t hurt.